At Nona Village Veterinary Hospital we have a full in-house laboratory. We offer a variety of laboratory tests to accurately and efficiently diagnose your pet and determine the best treatment plan.
Some of our laboratory tests offered include:
CBC: A complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test used to measure and evaluate cells that circulate in the blood. A CBC may be useful as a screening test for underlying infection, anemia, and certain types of cancers. In some cases, the results of the CBC will prompt us to recommend additional diagnostic tests.
Chemistry: The blood chemistry allows us to analyze the kidney, liver, thyroid, and other organ systems to screen for abnormalities.
Glucose Curves: The glucose curve is an ideal tool for determining insulin effectiveness in diabetic pets.
Urinalysis: Urinalysis can detect urinary tract infections and crystals. It also helps us assess overall kidney health as early kidney disease can sometimes be identified before it is evident in blood work.
Fecal Cytology: Cytology is one of the most frequently implemented tests used for evaluation of the gastrointestinal system. Fecal samples are examined to check for any abnormal organisms present.
Fecal Float: Fecal flotation is a test performed to diagnose parasites in animals. Organisms that can be detected include roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms, and other parasites that may live and feed within the intestines of your pet.
Heartworm / Tick Borne Disease Test: Using a blood sample from your pet, we can perform an antigen-testing heartworm / vector borne disease test, giving us results within minutes.
FIV/FeLV Test: Screen test for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV)
Ear Cytology: An ear cytology is a laboratory procedure that works in conjunction with a physical ear examination using an otoscope. This test checks for the presence of bacteria and/or yeast too small to see with the naked eye.